Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Weeks 23 & 34 - 9.9.12

This week started off with me nearly being run down 3 times Monday morning, by dump trucks with wheels higher than me. So much for a nice peaceful jog / walk along the Dam road. Due to a new Exploration project, our peaceful walk has now evolved into dodging cars and trucks and being smothered in dust. It is a 30 km road limit, but the drivers pay no attention to it. The trucks missed me by 2 feet at the most. I feel as though I need a big orange flag strapped to my back, like the cars do in the mine.

After that I took Laura to a friend’s birthday party. Danne turned 3 and Sanette went all out. Each child went home with their very own Tinky Winky doll and the food was really well done. Each child  had their own special plate of very cute party food. It’s amazing what you can get in from Amazon .UK for kids parties if you order months in advance. It was a great party although Laura was still a bit tired and grumpy from last week.

On Tuesday I took Kennis and Brenda to the chicken farm down the road. They sell eggs, manure and plants. Probably chooks too, but none of us are into ‘kill, pluck and cook’. Phil and I have bought a lot of plants and poo from there for our garden, which is really looking good considering the lack of water for outside use. The mine has only just started refilling our water cubes again. For the last 3 weeks we have only had bath and washing machine water for our garden. But it has survived.

That afternoon we had Laura’s friend Janelle over after school. The kids played really well together.
Wednesday saw a friend drop in for coffee in the morning and then a loud afternoon with Fabian and Ashleigh both here with my two. Sometimes it’s great having other kids here in the afternoon as it keeps my 2 busy, other days it is just so noisy, I could kill them all!  Lol.

My busy week got even busier on Thursday. After my 8km walk I had 5 mins to relax before I held a playgroup meeting at my place. It was the first one and quite a few people seem interested.  If it gets up and running, we should have about 15 kids involved from 4 months to 3 years. I then somehow got booked to make 24 mini cakes for Janelle’s 4th birthday party, more on that later. Janelle then spent the afternoon here playing and we made carrot cake. Not my finest cake, I am going to blame the recipe I got off the internet, but it was so greasy. Phil loved it and proceeded to devour it in no time every night after dinner with custard. So it could not have been that bad.

Friday was a quiet day. I made sure I had no other kids over and we had a quiet afternoon until it was time for drinks up the road. Byron made Sangria and my best efforts of only drinking water lasted about 5 minutes. I have been so determined to lose weight since seeing myself in a mirror for the first time in 5 months down in S.A. Not a pretty sight! But I guess 1 or 2 drinks a week won’t bust my efforts. Especially with all the exercising, that’s what I am telling myself any way.

On Saturday, Kat and I busted our guts walking off the alcohol from yesterday. We nearly died with exhaustion as we pushed ourselves so fast. We are determined to get our 8 km walk down from 1 hour  10 min to 1 hour by the end of the year. Man I could hardly move and breathe by the end of it, but it felt good.
And that was basically it for the weekend. I made Janelle’s mini cakes and Phil’s cake so I could get them in the freezer before decorating. We just lazed around the house for the rest of it, as Phil has come down with a tummy bug and just wants to sleep and …..

Week 24

I seriously need some ME time. I feel as though I am going to explode at the kids very soon. They are driving me CRAZY!! I am just so busy with LTG, Playgroup, kids and house that I am going to have to give something up. I cannot keep up with this level of work or I will end up insane in no time.

I was only able to do 4 km jog / walk this morning as there was an LTG meeting at my place. That went for 2 hours and then it was off to school to pick up Tom. Fabian came home with us and then Ashleigh ended up coming over for a play as well. It is so hard trying to work with 4 kids running around. Kennis then decided to take all the kids with her and go out for coffee, so I could get some computer work done.  I then ended up with 5 kids playing at my house as they all came back here. I then ended up taking them to the oval to throw a Frisbee as they were driving me mad.

I have decided to do a jog at night around the rental estate, to also kick my metabolism into gear, so I managed to get out Monday night. If I don’t lose weight I will be very upset. The only problem is, is that I don’t have scales to weigh myself (thank god) so I won’t know if I lose any. But I will persevere.

On Tuesday, I spent some time playing with Laura on the trampoline before picking Tom up from school. We had a quiet afternoon playing games and colouring and even went to the pool. That night I then had to catch up on work that I did not do during the day. So I spent a few hours on the computer after the kids were in bed, writing up the minutes for the Playgroup meeting and also the LTG meeting. I then had to start on an update of a Survival Guide that the LTG has previously put out.  It was a long day.

I must get about 10 emails a day regarding LTG and Playgroup. I have set up a Google Group for Playgroup and I am emailing Company employees trying to sort out a venue for it and ATS with regards to food for morning teas etc. It is absolute chaos some days on the computer. I made the fondant for Janelle’s cakes this morning and then spent the afternoon creating quiz questions with Colleen and Bex for the upcoming LTG Quiz night. Why did I volunteer to make 24 mini cakes! What was I thinking?????? So that night I started making 24 mini Dalmatians to go on the cakes.

We unfortunately did not finish the quiz questions on Wednesday, and so at 830am the next morning we were at it again. By 11am, we had done all 100 questions. I then spent a couple of minutes with Laura before picking Tom up from school. That afternoon was the PTA, so up to school I went. After that I had a meeting with Dene (Principal) to go over the quiz night as he will be the Quiz Master  for us. That night I had to keep going with the Dalmatians.

Friday saw the house in a real mess as the main water pipe to the treatment works on site broke and so no-one had water all afternoon. My kitchen was a mess with fondant and kids. The kids and I went to the pool to have a swim / bath before dinner, poor Phil had to have a bucket wash.  The water came back on over-night thank god! Next week on the 12th, we are going to be without electricity and water from 8am until 6pm. That’s going to be fun. The local electricity department is servicing some equipment and so the entire area up here will be without both. Great huh! But at least I managed to get the cakes made for Janelle’s party tomorrow. For a first time effort with fondant for a party cake, I don’t think it turned out too bad. I even have my next order. If I can get the marshmallow and icing sugar.

On Saturday, after doing all the dishes from yesterday and my walk, the kids and I went to Janelle’s party. The kids and parents loved the mini cakes. I don’t think I will be in a hurry to make mini cakes again. They are a lot of work. But I am looking forward to making my next one. I really enjoyed it. As a result, I have put aside my Playgroup position and I am asking another Mum to take over for me. I will still participate with Laura, but I want time to do my cakes and spend some more time with the kids. I feel as though I am spending too much time on the computer doing work (plus blog ) and something has to go. I can’t do it all, it is just too tiring.

Our Library opened on Saturday. A couple of women had been collecting books and finally someone decided to give it a go. So we now have a Library in the township at someone’s house. Hopefully, it will eventually go into a Community Hall. I have had no luck getting a venue for our Playgroup, so the Company may build onto the Kindy and combine a Playgroup / Library there. Let’s hope.

Phil took the kids to the pool on Saturday. It was lovely to get an hour to myself. I watched TV for the first time in goodness knows how long. It was wonderful.

On Sunday we went for a drive on site and had a drink and cake by the side of a dambo (see below).  It was so lush with vegetation and green. Phil took the kids exploring for 5 mins and I relaxed down on the mat. It was so quiet and peaceful I could have stayed there all day. Then the kids starting yelling and jumped on me and that was that, back to reality.

The weather lately is magnificent, certainly getting hotter. Most days average around 28 but it is climbing higher.  The humidity seems to be creeping up as well. The landscape is changing also. The fires have nearly finished and the grass is already getting green. Some wild flowers have started to appear and the whole place seems to be coming alive. The cicadas have started and it sounds lovely. Nowhere near as loud as they are in Orange, but loud enough. The flies have also started hanging around, so that should make things fun in the next few months. We have the fans in the house going constantly and are in need of getting our air-conditioner re-gassed. The red dust seems to be fading in light of the beautiful lush green trees starting to grow. I can’t wait to see how it all looks after a rain, when all the dust gets washed away.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dambo is a word used for a class of complex shallow wetlands in central, southern and eastern Africa, particularly in Zambia and Zimbabwe. They are generally found in higher rainfall flat plateau areas, and have river-like branching forms which may be nowhere very large, but common enough to add up to a large area. For instance, dambos have been estimated to comprise 12.5% of the area of Zambia.

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