Johannesburg Airport arrival hall. This is made out of wire and beads like animals below.
Monte Casino Bird Gardens.
My favourite the Scarlet Ibis and also the White Spoonbill.
Ground Hornbill. We have these on-site also and I see them when I am out walking.
Tango the Toucan.
My gorgeous girl 2 days post operation.
Lemurs' relaxing in the sun. What a life!
Big lizard with a big neck pouch. Laura loved the lizard. Even a Tonsillectomy could not stop her eating crunchy crisps.
Wire animals. They are just so clever.
Laura's ride. My exercise machine. Great for the kids, hard work for the parents (especially uphill).
Amazing little bird nests.
Water Buffalo. Cheese!

Max the Gorilla.
Tribute to Max. Max was shot when he apprehended a burglar that broke into the zoo.As the burglar was trying to escape he accidently went into Max's compound. Max held onto the burglar until police arrived. Way to go Max!
Zebra! Laura finally gets to see them.
If only I could relax like that! White Lioness.
Beautiful White Lion. Very rare and the Zoo is successfully breeding them.
Me having a snack. LOL.
Laura and a Black Rhino in the background.
These very rare Lions were at the Hotel and Laura could not walk past them without giving them a hug or kiss.
Laura and the 'Giant' - Nelson Mandela.
Laura doing her best to look like Paris Hilton having a baby cino.
Laura and a Giraffe at Johannesburg Airport departure gates.
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