Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Week 13 - 24.6.12

Happy Birthday to me! Yeah I have just turned 39. OMG! Have had a fun filled day being spoiled rotten. NOT! More on that later......

The school holidays started this week. I must say it is nice not having to rush around getting Tom ready for school in the mornings. If only they would sleep in and let me as well. These next few weeks will be interesting as a lot of people are heading out on break and so there won't be many kids around to play with.

I invited the new family over for morning tea on Monday (minus husband of course as he was working). Krissy and family have come from Queensland. They have a 5yr old boy, Malakye and a 2yr old girl Kaelyn. The kids hit it off straight away, which is wonderful. They only live a couple of houses away which is great as I am sure we will be spending a lot of time together.

Tuesday saw me start a new fitness regime. I was out walking and came across a couple of new girls I had not met before. One is just visiting, but the other, Kat, walks every day to the Lodge and back. This is about 8km. So I now join her in the mornings, and boy does she keep me on my toes as she is a fast walker. It is great to get out and walk without the kids and I am feeling better for doing it.

We had a scare on Wednesday. The kids were out playing and a group of 3 girls went past and asked them to go with them. One of the younger boys decided to go. Luckily, Malakye came to get me and so I was able to intervene. The kids have all been made aware of 'stranger danger' now. Due to the school holidays and an increasing population in the town, there are a lot of people around at the moment. Then on Thursday, the same little boy and another, decided to hide in a cupboard in one of their houses. They did not come out when called and so we were out searching and calling for them. Again, there was another talk with the kids. It is great the freedom the kids have, but we still need to make sure that they are aware of certain dangers here, just like back home.

Thursday night was our neighbours last night in their house. Lachie is now down the other end of the rental estate. It does not seem the same without them there. Brendan is staying on doing FIFO and Megan and the kids are going back to Oz. Thus, he cannot stay in a home for a family and has to move into single quarters. Unfortunately, they leave just after Laura's birthday and we are going to miss them so much. They have become wonderful friends.

On Friday out on our walk, instead of turning back at the lodge we decide to do the circle route which I had not done before. It is a little bit longer of a walk, but lovely. The track takes you down by the dam and along the side for a while. It was wonderful, as there were many animal prints along the path. Apparently there are baboon, civet, wild dog, jackal and a leopard has been spotted once or twice. It's great to see the prints as it makes you feel like you really are living in the middle of Africa. This afternoon, I had Friday drinks at my place. It was a small group but lovely.

Saturday saw Gryffyd turn 3 and so we went to his party in the afternoon. Unfortunately, Phil had to work today so it was just the kids and I that went. One of the good things about living in a site like this, is that a firetruck was organised to turn up, so that the kids could have a look and a play. Then they got the fire hose out with some bubble mix and the kids were able to do a 'splash'n'slide'. Tom stood by and watched as Laura stripped down to undies and had a go. They had a good time.

Sunday 24th June. Today is my birthday. Phil is working. Laura is sick again and so I have been up with her last night and then she was up at 6am! So I did not get my sleep in or my breakfast in bed. Instead, I had yelling and screaming as I made them pancakes. The fighting continued throughout the morning.The kids did help me make my birthday cake. However I am not too sure if the mess and fighting between them made it worthwhile.  Thankfully, I was able to get Laura down for a sleep, but then Tom was complaining that there was no-one to play with. I tried to get him to chill out so I could rest, but no such luck. I started to get dinner ready and thankfully, Phil turned up in time to take over. So I was then able to get a little bit of relax time to myself, with a glass of Amarula under the larpa. A couple of things that did make my day today were some presents from the in laws and everyone's well wishes on Facebook.

Thanks to everyone who sent me a message, it really meant a lot. I think about you all quite often. xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tricia what a wonderful life you are leading at present. Such a good experience for your children, one I'm sure they'll never forget. I have just subscribed to your blog feed so look forward to reading your weekly posts. Any plans to work whilst you're abroad? Rachael
