Sunday, 17 June 2012

Week 12 - 17.6.12

Our new house keeper started this week. Her name is Carol and she is the 9th child out of 11. It feels so strange having someone in the house cleaning, whilst Laura and I do our own things.I can't wait until Laura is comfortable with her, so I can go out for a jog. The house has never looked cleaner. Every day she comes in and makes the beds, does the dishes, cleans the floor, does the washing and ironing, cleans the bathrooms and anything else she can think of. I have never felt more spoilt. I have so much time on my hands in the mornings now. If only my sewing machine and all of my cake decorating things were here!

House keepers and gardeners are not a new concept for the South African's here. Most of them are brought up with having one or more of each, in every household. For us Australian's, it certainly takes a bit to get use to. I am so use to doing it all myself, that I find it hard to ask someone to do something for me, that I can do for myself. My friend Michelle (South African) says I should enjoy it while I can and sit back and relax. I will in time, but for now it is an adjustment. I can hear you all say 'oh poor Trish', but believe me it does make me feel uncomfortable. I keep telling myself, that by employing Carol, we are helping her get to college in the one way that we can. It goes the same for our gardener. Clement has 7 children and a wife, plus others to support in his family. So the less I do in the garden, the more time he spends here getting paid.

Tuesday we received a travel warning. We were not allowed to go out onto the main road. Unfortunately, a contractor from the mine, had hit a 10 year old girl who ran onto the road in front of him, and she died later in hospital. Devastating for all involved. Unfortunately, this happens a lot here. The children don't know the road rules of stopping to look both ways, and the cars travel way too fast at times. Add the fact, that the tall grass comes to the edge of the road and you are bound to get injuries and deaths. Such a tragedy.

On Wednesday night a new family arrived. A few of us were lined up to make their dinner, so when I saw them arrive I went over to say hello and dropped of the bread and snacks I had made for them. They have a 5 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. I will catch up with them properly later as it takes a couple of days here to get your bearings. I want to let them settle before the twenty questions.Lol.

Our first load of dirt arrived on Wednesday. I can't say it is the best top soil I have ever seen and people keep telling us how 'crap' it is, but it is the best we can get. Thursday saw the next load. Now we have this massive pile of dirt to move around the garden! Can't wait. There are some things that I just have to help with, as I feel too guilty to expect someone to do this by themselves.

Thursday I helped out at Tom's school. Miss Jo has told me that Tom has improved so much since he has been here. She also said that he has started to overtake some of the kids that have been going to school a lot longer than him. I can definitely see the improvement in his colouring and cutting skills. He got his first report card on Friday and I am really proud of his achievements.

Friday was the last day of school for the term and also Lachlan's last day. Tom now know's that Lachie is leaving and has been asking who will be his friend then. Quite sad really. I only hope that these new families moving in, have boys that Tom will get along with. I also think Laura will be quite sad to see Lachie go, as the two seem to be a bit of an item these days. Laura kissed his hand on Friday and Phil over heard them
talking marriage and rings! They were seen cuddling in the cubby house on Saturday. Probably more hugging coming from Laura, but Lachie wasn't pushing her away. Lol.

On Saturday, Phil and I helped Clement in the garden. We are making some garden beds around the Larpa. So while Phil shoveled the dirt, I pick axed the soil. Never, ever again!!! I was in tears last night from the pain. I think I must have pinched a nerve in my shoulder as the pain in my left arm was excruciating. Our pick ax has a metal handle and as the dirt is so hard, I think all the vibrations went right up into my arms. Now this is a job, I will let Clement do in the future, he is so strong. Even a bottle of wine did not help. Lol.

We had our first fire last night in the fire pit. It was so relaxing sitting around the fire as the sun set. The air was starting to chill and the fire was so peaceful to watch. Dad, you would love it here. I could imagine you and Phil sitting around the fire with a scotch. Every day I think to myself, just how lucky we are to be here enjoying this life. I am so glad we came and want to stay for a while yet.

Today has been a quiet day. We went for a walk to the golf club park and had a play. We then came home to coffee under the Larpa. The kids have been playing in the massive dirt pile and getting filthy. I swear their feet now have dirt ingrained in them, that will just not wash out. At least they are outside playing and having fun! It is nearly 3pm, so I may just have to grab a glass of wine and head back out to the Larpa! It really is a hard life here. The weather each day is just perfect, 25 degrees most days and sunshine. Mind you, I have not been here for all the seasons yet, and I am told it gets very hot. First though, we have to make it through July, which apparently is the coldest month. However, I think Forbes, Adelaide, Melbourne and Launceston, might just be a tad cold at the moment. Am I right?

I think I hear the wine and the Larpa calling...Bye.

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