Saturday, 9 August 2014

Leaving Lumwana - 2.6.13

What an emotional day.

On our last night, we had phone calls regarding the belongings we wanted sent home. It seems there had been some trouble with communications, and we were not too sure if the removalist would be turning up to pack up our things. They were thinking we were going to Canada and not Australia. Thankfully, they did turn up and packing was finished 15 minutes before we were due to catch the bus out. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute. Once our last box was on the truck, we said some teary good byes and then headed off to the bus stop. Brenda, my dear friend had not wanted to say good bye and so did not come to the house to see us off, but I could not leave without wishing her well, so we dropped in at her place. We had become such close and dear friends. I will miss her dearly.

I had always wondered what our good bye would be like. I guess I had thought we would have been in Africa for longer and leaving would be because we wanted to return to Australia. I did not imagine that the last 15 months would have been so hard and that leaving would be more from necessity, rather than longing.

Our bus ride to the airport was very emotional for me. I had been looking forward to this moment for a while, but now that it was here, it was really hard. I love Africa, I disliked living at Lumwana but I love the people and friends that I had gotten close to and did not want to leave them. I felt guilty that I was able to return back to a country of plenty and leave them here with so little.

It really was such an emotional drive. Saying good bye to the villages along the way and the sights that we may never see again. I will not miss the potholes though. Lol. I would like to think that one day, we will return with the kids and take them back to Lumwana to show them where they lived for over a year. I would love to visit Clement and his family, and see how little Tricia has grown and I would love to see Carol in her Nursing uniform. Plus it would be wonderful to visit our dear friends and to see them again. I will keep my fingers crossed that ALL of this happens.

We had quite a delay at the airport and so it was with a heavy heart that we boarded our plane out of Solwezi. However we were excited to be going on an African Safari.

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