Friday, 22 March 2013

Week 50 - 10.3.13 (2 weeks to go)

Another lovely week of beach visits and stressing about what is going to happen in 2 weeks.

On Monday, Mum and Dad came down to see us. Dad fixed the old bikes Jo had brought down from Renmark and Tom was in heaven. He has missed his bike incredibly and it was great to see him riding around. As it was raining, we spent the time at home under the verandah. My Auntie Helen also came over for a visit, so it was lovely to see her and hear all her news.

Tuesday was spent going to the playground, then going to the beach. We had a picnic at the playground and Tom rode his bike the entire way. He is really doing well, just lacks confidence and so he still relies heavily on the training wheels. We then went back to the beach in the afternoon for a swim with the girls. Laura is now really confident in the water also and is enjoying diving under the waves now as well.

We then went to the Aquatic Centre on Wednesday. The kids had a ball catching the bus and enjoyed several hours playing in the water. We also packed a picnic and had a lovely time. That night my Uncle Neil and his wife Linda brought dinner over. She is a fantastic cook and dinner was wonderful. Jo is lucky to have them living nearby. They have helped her out quite a bit since she moved to Adelaide.

On Thursday morning the kids were driving me crazy and so I made them some play dough. They had an absolute ball playing with it. That afternoon I had a Dermatologist appointment and we had to walk. We did get slightly lost and so walked around in circles. It was a hot day and Tom rode his bike. He is a little trooper. His face was so red by the time we got there and his little legs were exhausted when we finally got home.

Friday was a great day as my sister had the day off work and so I headed to Marion shopping centre by myself. I was able to get so much done and bought quite a few bits and pieces for myself. That afternoon we all went to the beach once the girls got home from school.

It has actually been really lovely heading to the beach at night with the girls after the kids are in bed. Nice to get some peace and quiet and try to relax for a few minutes. Plus it has been great spending some time with my beautiful nieces.

Jo and the kids left for Renmark Saturday morning. So the kids and I moved inside the house for the weekend. I had bought some paint for them and so they had a wonderful morning painting and making a mess. We then went down the beach for the afternoon. It was certainly a lot quieter without all 5 kids here at once. That night after I put the kids to bed, I sat and watched a movie. Oh how wonderful!

Mum and Dad came over today. The kids put on a real show of disobedience this morning and my parents were not impressed. I certainly was ashamed of their behaviour. Tom lately has still been really angry at me. He is struggling with not having his things in Zambia and being here has made it wors,e as he sees so much that he wants and does not understand why I will not get it for him. After lunch we headed down to the Bay. Mum, myself and the kids took the tram and dad decided to drive it. The kids had a nice play in the water fountain and we had a delicious ice cream whilst we walked the jetty. Mum and Dad then left and the kids and I headed back to the beach for a swim. Poor Tom got bitten by a jelly fish. Luckily I had taken vinegar to the beach as Sophie was bitten during the week, so I put some on his sting and we headed home.

There is still no contract and I cannot understand what is taking so long. Is this usual? I really should not have left Phil. I should be there for him.

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