Sunday, 4 November 2012

Weeks 30, 31 & 32 - 4.11.12

Week 30

I finally have my Zambian driver’s licence. What an experience!

On Monday, there was to be a lecture on the Zambian Highway Code rules at 10:00 am, by 11:00 am no-one had turned up. There were 4 of us waiting and so we went exploring. We found out that all we needed was a Conversion, and so needed a specific form and to get this we had to go back at 14:00 pm. So we went back then and after 1 ½ hours walked away with the specific form. But this was not the end of it. On Wednesday, I was picked up and taken to the Mine where I had to have a driving test, to assess if I knew how to drive. Phil was there along with 3 others and so off we went. I drove about 2 km and was deemed fit enough to drive. So after 2 ½ hours we were all done and had paid all our fee’s, had 16 pieces of paper and still did not have our licence! But at least we had passed!

I went for a bike ride this week and my gosh did my bottom regret it! Lol! Wow. I borrowed one of the girl’s bike and trailer and took Laura for a ride. She kept wondering why I was going so slow and I had to explain to her that it was hard work riding up hill, unlike her who was sitting in the back enjoying the lift. It was quite enjoyable though and we will do it again.

Tom had his first Parent / Teacher night at school. Phil was able to go and Tom was given a great review. He has improved so much since going. I think he will love ‘big’ kid school next year.

On Thursday I helped out up at the school. I had not done so in a while and it was great. It is lovely to see how Tom interacts and plays with the other kids. The rainy season also started today. A bit early as we were told the 24th, but it was great to get the rain and quite a bit of thunder too. Laura will not be scared of thunder when we leave here, she will be so use to it by then.

There was an LTG meeting on Friday morning to finalise details for the Wine and Cheese night tomorrow night and more rain!

On Saturday, I had to be at the Golf Club early in order to help set up and luckily we decided on an early time as it took several hours to set up all the tables and photos. But what a great night, the LTG raised 32 million!!! That just beat anyone's expectations. It is amazing to be involved with something like that. To see people donate such money to a good cause is overwhelming and I am so proud of the effort we all put into the night. The LTG now has enough money to help out another 3 schools with Community Gardens and to sponsor at least 3 more kids for next year, and that is just with one event!

Week 31

We had some new arrivals this week, a family of four from Perth and a family of 3 from Perth. I was meant to be cooking for one of them, but got stuck in Solwezi.

On Tuesday, a bus took about 15 of us in to finalise our licence’s. We left the mine at 8:00 am and arrived back that night at 19:30 pm!! No I am not joking! We arrived at the RTSA about 9:30 am and then the queuing began. We had to line up in one room to get our photo (the Manager decided that I had to go to Immigration to get another form as the 16 I had was not enough, Immigration told me it was not needed, the Manager then told me I had to get Phil’s permit copied, luckily I had it on me and then I was able to get the photo done). Then we had to line up in another room to pay for the photo. My form did not print properly and so I had to line up again to get a re-print. This took us up to lunchtime and the RTSA closed for an hour. We went for pizza and then got back into lines that we had previously left before lunch. We then had to go back and see the same man that took our photo, to sign the form to say that it was in fact us. Then it was time to line up again to give over all our paper work and get 1 piece of paper back. This was to be our paper licence and that only lasts 1 month before we have to go back and get it signed again for another month. This goes on and on, until the plastic card turns up in goodness knows how long. We were then able to leave and by the time I got home I had been gone 11 ½ hours! Thank goodness for Carol. I thought I would be about 4 hours. OMG what a day! Carol was great and had fed the kids and bathed them. I don't know what I would do without her.

On Wednesday, it was Independence Day and I had a baking frenzy. I made 3 lots of biscuits and 2 cakes. I was in charge of doing the cake for Halloween and so had to perfect my mix. I made some colourful choc chip biscuits for Halloween. I knew lots of people would be handing out lollies and so I thought I would do biscuits. The other cakes turned out perfectly and now I am well and truly on my way to making cakes for other people. Now I just had to decorate them!

I tried to make dumplings on Thursday and they looked good. However, they all stuck together and  looked awful by the time I went to cook them. They tasted ok though. I have made them since and have perfected the dumpling. It is such a shame that the kids don’t like them as they are a simple meal, but Phil and I do.

We had our end of month morning tea on Saturday and then I spent the rest of the day decorating the Halloween cakes. I think they turned out well, you can judge for yourself when you check out the photos. We then went to the pool for an afternoon soak.

I had a hard time keeping the kids out of their costumes on Sunday until it was actually time to get dressed up. Tom wore his Spiderman outfit (purchased in South Africa) and Laura wore her Fairy dress (found in Solwezi). The other kids looked great as well. The party was a waste of time, as all the kids wanted to do was Trick or Treat, and once the cake was cut and dished up everyone had basically disappeared. Everyone loved the cake and hopefully, I will get some more requests. Michelle and I took the kids Trick or Treating while the guys stayed home and dished out the junk food. Poor Phil had just arrived home in time as he was called into work URGENTLY. One of the local workers had threatened to kill one of his drillers and security was called in. The said worker was fired and all calmed down. Then later one of his workers, a friend of the one before , turned up for work drunk and so was sent off site and fired also (there is a strict No Alcohol policy). Poor Phil had a bad day. Not to mention Monday as he then had to go over all the forms and paperwork about Sunday’s goings on.

Week 32

Tom had a bad night Sunday night and so I took him up to the clinic first thing in the morning. He had really bad tummy pains and a fever. Thankfully, he did not have Malaria and we were sent home none the wiser. During the day things settled and he is now fine. I however have come down with a terrible head cold this week and have been a bit out of it. Thus the reason the blog is late a week.  I am looking like Rudolph the red nose reindeer. My nose won’t stop running and my head feels like it is about to explode. I think Laura is now coming down with it. Yeah!!

We had about 100 mls of rain on Thursday and we discovered the front verandah leaks! Hopefully we can get it fixed soon and so in the meantime, we have towels everywhere as it constantly looks like rain. The kids had a wonderful time splashing in the puddles. I have realised that the red dirt does not wash out like the dirt back home, and so they can only splash in their painting clothes.

We also had another family arrive. They have 3 boys and Tom is thrilled. The eldest is 5 and then twins, 2 ½. Thankfully they only live 2 houses down and so I am sure Tom will be playing with Andrew quite a bit.
On Saturday was the Oktoberfest. It was held late due to problems getting beer. Unfortunately, I was unable to go as not feeling well, but Phil did and had a nice time.

I think today has been quiet as so many people are feeling slightly hung over. Oh and Laura does have a cold now as well. I am feeling slightly better, but still not 100%. Hopefully will pick up soon as I have a cake to make this week for little Abbey's 1st Birthday

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