Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Weeks 26 & 27 - 30.9.12

Week 26

OMG!  What a week! How many times have I said that now?  I thought that after Laura had her tonsils out, things would settle down for a while. Yeah right. How delusional was I?

I was up at the clinic first thing Monday morning, as Tom was having trouble breathing. I had to wait 2 hours whilst the Doctor did an interview, even though I informed the staff he was struggling to breathe. Finally the Doctor came in and put him straight in the Emergency room and on oxygen. He then had a nebuliser and intravenous antibiotics. It is so horrible watching your child struggle to breathe and cough like he was. Phil came to help out as Tom was fighting me and I needed a hand to hold him down, the poor kid. After 3 ½ hours we were finally able to go home.

On Tuesday, Laura woke up with a slight temperature but went alright during the day apart from crying a lot, so I knew something was coming. Tom of course was still bad, but the antibiotics were starting to kick in and his breathing was a lot better and his voice was coming back.

Wednesday saw me up at the clinic with Laura. She again woke up with a high fever and so I assumed she was getting what Tom had. Yeah!!! We did not have to wait 2 hours this time and yes, she was diagnosed with pharyngitis. My week was looking up. Lol. So it was back on antibiotics for her.

So, on Thursday the kids and I basically quarantined ourselves inside the house. I was also not feeling well by this point. I was extremely tired as I had Tom sleep in with me whilst his breathing was bad and then I was still up with him whilst he was coughing really nasty. Then when he settled, it was Laura’s turn to sleep with me as she was having trouble. We went to the dam to get a breath of fresh air and a sanity break as the kids were driving me crazy. Tom was starting to feel better and so was teasing Laura and she was feeling sick and so crying all the time. I just needed a drink! Lol….

Friday saw me back up at the clinic and I had Laura checked for a chest infection. Yep, gotta love my kids, at least they do share! So again, I came home with stronger antibiotics for her.

It was meant to be Tom’s last day of school for the term, but of course he had been home all week already. So I had 2 more weeks to look forward to of them teasing each other. Could it get any worse?

Oh yes it could! On Saturday I was up at the clinic again with Laura. This time she needed a nebuliser and intravenous antibiotics. The poor love did really well considering, she too had lost her voice by this stage. Why they both could not have lost their voice together is beyond me. It would have been so quiet. The rest of the day was a write off. I was still feeling sick. Tom was better but still had a residual cough. Laura was tired and Phil had slept funny and had a sore neck. No rest for the wicked. Laura had her cannula left in so as to get another dose of intravenous antibiotics, so she slept with me, so that I could make sure it did not come out and bleed everywhere. Another night of no sleep! I was up to night 9 by this point.

Sunday had Laura and I back up at the clinic for her next dose. Thankfully, it was really starting to kick in and she seemed so much better. I removed the cannula as we did not think she needed anymore and the doctors were happy. She had basically been on antibiotics since we’ve been here. We all went to the dam again for some fresh air and lunch. Phil was still sore and I was still sick, but fighting it. Tom was well and truly back to normal. I had my first full night’s sleep in a long time and boy did I sleep. Unfortunately, it was back up at 6am with the kids though!

Week 27

After last week, this one was quiet. We did not do too much at all. I was still slightly sick and I did not want the kids spreading their germs if they still had some. So we pretty much spent it alone. I however, was really going crazy by this point. Having 2 sick kids and feeling awful yourself, is not fun. Phil had also been working long hours and so I have had to deal with them all day, every day myself.

On Tuesday, Yolandi across the road had a get together for her birthday. It was great to get out. We then had our first storm and rain. It was heavy, but not as heavy as it is going to get apparently. Laura does not like thunder and we have now been given a “Booma Booma” (Laura’s term for lightening) light for her room, courtesy of Kat who is leaving and donated it to Laura.

Ruth has just left as she is pregnant and is heading home to have her baby in Australia and now Kat is leaving for Asia. I am the only person left from our walking group. It is certainly going to be quiet when Kat finally leaves in a few weeks. Not that I have been able to go walking these last couple of weeks.

The weather has been turning. It is still really warm, but now every couple of days we get some cloud and maybe a bit of thunder and a few drops. I am looking forward to the wet season as I have not experienced one before, but I am not sure how fun it will be for Laura. The thunder is incredibly loud apparently and the lightning amazing.

On Sunday we all went to some local falls. It was a reasonable drive, 30 km’s down a dirt and pot hole filled road or track is more like it. But once we got there it was lovely. I have not been able to find the name of the falls anywhere, but they are past a village called Shilenda on a branch of the Mwonbezhi River. We were even able to hop in and have a swim. Thankfully, there were no crocodiles or hippo’s. The current was very strong and having Laura on my back made it very difficult at times. The locals looked on with amusement as we swam. It really was a great day. On the way back we stopped to give a lady and her baby a ride to Manyama. I would hate to think how long it would have taken her to walk 35 km. She did not speak English and so were not able to communicate very much.

I can only hope that the last week of school holidays will pass uneventfully.

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