The main street in the rental estate. Our house is at the far end on the left. The street lights have just been installed.

Our street. Tom's school is at the end on the left side of the orange dot. The pool is on the right side.

The tennis / basketball courts and volleyball area next to the pool.

The bar. Next to the pool.

We walk along here to get to the shops. Tom's school, pool etc is on the right by the yellow road blocks.

Con's camp housing for the FIFO staff. (Fly In Fly Out). This is behind the bar.

Following on is the kitchen, laundry and stores, plus the take away shop, which is the door by the bin. It sells chips, burgers, pizza, pies and sausage rolls!

These are the gates we pass through to the shops. The take away shop is on the right and our phone shop is on the left, as are the dining halls for staff. Security mans the gate.

The gates with tent city on the right, bus stop on left and car parking facilities.

Continuing up the road, past tent city. The tents are in fact green. It's the dust that makes them brown. This road leads to an intersection.

Another view of tent city. The path to the shops.

The medical clinic is down this road on the left. This is a continuation of the road that had the gates.

Turn right at the intersection and this road leads to the bank (blue building), hard ware store and ends up at the township (nationals housing).

Turn left at the intersection and you have tent city on your left and the path to the supermarket on your right. This road leads to the main entrance. Huge larpa on the right.

The supermarket. A security officer is at the main entrance and checks all your dockets on leaving.

A sign we pass everyday on the fence of tent city. I have yet to see someone attempting this!

Cars kick up lots of dust as they drive by.

Native vegetation. Laura and I usually walk along here in the mornings after dropping Tom at school.

Native vegetation. Plants are taller than me.

The pretty wildflowers we see that grow here.
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