Saturday, 10 March 2012


What a week it has been! Our poor town of Forbes has been flooded and has seen the town cut into three. We were cut off from town, but luckily I had stocked up the shelves, not knowing how long it would be before we had acess to town again. Then this morning, it was like a new town. The water that was a river yesterday has disappeared over night. Don't get me wrong, we are still flooded, but at least access to town is now available to most.
I was wondering how the removalists were going to get in to pack us up. Thank goodness that is now no longer a problem. My sister and her family however, well they could not get through. So we will not be able to see all of them before we go. I am so upset as I was really looking forward to seeing them and for them to see us. It has been 8 months since we saw them last. My sister may now fly to Sydney and spend our last night in Australia with us. Here's hoping.
I have included some photo's that we have received of our house-to-be in Lumwana. It looks lovely, and I can't wait to get all of our 'stuff' in it and make it a 'home'.
I have also added some of our current house here in Forbes and some recent flood photos. Thankfully our house was out of any danger.
Am I getting excited? Yes and no. I still can't really grasp the concept of moving to Africa to live. As the house is still furnished it doesn't seem real. I am sure it will hit me when the packers arrive on Monday the 19th to pack.........

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