Friday, 31 May 2013

Weeks 61 & 62 - Photo's

I will miss our Larpa so much. This has been my piece of heaven!
Our garden looked so good before the plants were taken for other gardens.
A bowl of caterpillar.
Close up you can see the heads.
Soaking for 5 mins.
Cooking in oil and onions.
Dished up with a garnish!
In it goes.
Precious, Gloria, Faith, Davison and me holding my new purchase.
Tom cutting Dadda's hair.
My namesake Tricia in one of Laura's old dresses.
Alex, Ella, Tom, Laura and Sonja.
Alex, Sonja, Me and Laura.
Brenda and I. I will miss this friend dearly.
Me, Danie, Janelle, Laura. Tom Darshell, Dandre, Michelle and Janni.
I painted Tom's face and he did the others before it was a free for all on any face.
Miss Paula, Miss Mildred, Miss Beauty.
Bwalya, Andrew, Tom, Asha, Abraham, Fabian, Sonja.
Ella, Bhodi, Ashley, Chatowah, Makasa.
Missing: Mia, Merryn, Janelle and Trinity.
Laura and Tom in their new African outfits. Thanks Brenda.

Weeks 61 & 62 - 31.5.13. Last blog from Lumwana

Week 61

These last 2 weeks has been like a mad dash to the end of a long race. I feel as though I have run a marathon and now I can see the finish line and I am excited to get there, but I am as tired as anything. 

Monday was spent varnishing all of our wooden products. Sanding down bits and pieces and giving everything a good coat. This will help to seal the wood and kill any bugs which might be lurking that we are unaware of. Hopefully, it will make them all easier to clear quarantine in Australia as well.

It was also my Dad's 70th birthday today and I celebrated by having Caterpillar for dinner! I bought some caterpillar when I was in Manyama last and Carol told me how to cook it. So I soaked them for 5 minutes, drained them and then fried them with onion and oil. It was then time to eat, so down the hatch. They were very salty as they were dried to begin with and you could feel the head go 'pop' in your mouth. I can't say they will be on my dinner menu again, but at least I tried them. The kids of course would not go near them, but Kennis and Phil tried one each. I have included some photos for you.

On Tuesday I had another really mad day. I had playgroup in the morning with Laura and then headed over to Carin’s house for a farewell cuppa and chat. It was then back to the house for more varnishing of the wood. I had just finished coating a mask when I knocked the container with my heel. I tipped the 5 L tin over and it went all over the floor. I was varnishing the wood in the verandah, as I did not want them to get coated in dust outside. So it was a scream and a curse at myself, whilst trying to think of how to scoop it all up. I managed to scoop as much as I could with cardboard and then used some turps to clean the floor. Unfortunately, I only had a small amount of turps and so had to run up to Manyama to get more. This of course happened just as I was about to pick Tom up from school. Always the way! Thankfully, we found some paraffin in Manyama and headed home to clean up the rest of the mess before continuing to finish the varnish.

Tuesday was also the day my friend’s husband was suspended for doing what his boss told him to do. I will not go into details here, but it just makes you so mad how some people are treated here. They had no idea if they would be able to stay or if they had to leave and so were in a major panic as to what to do. My other friend Michelle finally was given the go ahead to move up to the rental estate from the township and moved into Vannida’s old place.

Brenda and I went to see the Musalwila people on Wednesday. Brenda had not been before and I wanted to go and say good bye and take them some things I had bought them in Australia. I gave them some tennis balls, a Frisbee and a catching mit game. I also purchased another mask which will be hung on the front door back home. I love these people. They have such big hearts and I will miss Davison, his wife Gloria and twins Faith and Precious, who are now just walking. The saddest part about leaving is leaving the people of this beautiful country. I really have been lucky to meet some wonderful and remarkable people that live so poorly, yet seem so rich.

On Thursday, I went to visit "Big" Laura. She is pregnant and is leaving to go back to Australia to have the baby. She has been a big figure with the LTG and I hope they will be able to continue with their dwindling numbers as they do such good work for the local children, with regards to education. Laura showed us some of her in utero baby photos and my Laura was thrilled to see them. That afternoon Ella came over to play with Tom. Those 2 are really are going to miss each other. That night I cut Tom's hair so we could pack the clippers, Phil decided he needed a hair cut too and so let Tom cut his hair. As you can see from the photo he concentrated very hard on this task. I did have to neaten it up at the end and Phil nearly lost an ear, but Tom was proud of himself for doing it.

Friday was a day off for the kids. The Principal was under the impression it was a public holiday and so the kids had the day off. The public holiday was in fact on the Saturday, for African Freedom Day. So I had a household of kids. I could not say ‘no’, as soon we will be gone and Tom and Laura will not be able to play with these kids again. They had an absolute ball.

We had Rashmi from ‘Jewell of Africa’ here on the Saturday. So I went up for a browse. She really does have some beautiful stones, some of them precious, some not. You can buy an emerald and next to it a smoky quartz, but the majority of stones are all from are all Zambia. One of the girls was modelling a beautiful necklace and I would have loved to have bought it, but it cost $11,000.00 USD (which is just a smidge out of my price range)! That afternoon was spent starting to organise the house and throwing stuff out. I had accumulated quite a bit of craft stuff and pictures Tom had done at school. There is only so much you can keep.

Lumwana had a craft market on the Sunday. Compared to last year it was a very poor turnout. But the mine has seen a lot of change lately and with so many people leaving, and with so many not knowing if they will leave, there just weren’t a lot of people buying. The kids had their faces painted and I entered a couple of raffles and actually ended up winning a doll, plus we bought a couple of more wooden items and decided that was now enough! It was a lovely morning and a nice way to end our time here. That afternoon Phil and I headed out to Maheba to take some things out to Clements house. It was great to see the family again and see them all looking so well. His eldest 2 were not at home, but the other 6 were. Joyce informed me that they now call baby Hope, Tricia. It is such a wonderful honour to have this baby named after me. I had no idea what to say, but I am glad we have been able to help this family in a small way. Phil then headed to Kitwe to collect our remaining masks we had ordered and to pick up a solar unit for Clement and his family. We wanted to give them something useful and thought power would be the best thing we could do for them.

Week 62 – Our last week.

Phil came back today and I met him with Clement at Maheba. We had not told Clement we were buying him a solar unit. He and his wife, Joyce were so thrilled when they saw it. Phil will have to go back another day and help him install it.

Brenda had also arranged a quick good bye lunch for Yolandi and me. Yolandi still had no idea what was happening with her husband’s job on site, but were told to get ready to leave at a minutes notice. The poor thing was frantic with worry. At least we have had time to prepare to leave, but only having a week’s notice would drive anyone crazy with worry and stress. So in between cooking cakes for my farewell lunch and Clement’s family, running to Maheba  and then back to my lunch, it was a busy day.

On Tuesday I decided to photograph and itemise everything that we would be taking back to Australia. We still have not heard a word about the removalist and are getting worried. Thus, if we have to leave before everything is packed, I have a list and a photo of everything that should arrive in Australia, and if something is missing, I will be angry BIG time! I so cannot wait to leave this place. The problems just keep on coming and coming. There is no end to the problems we have had lately with trying to get home. I will gladly settle back into life in Forbes and can’t wait for things to just be normal and boring, if that makes sense without being horrible.

Laura and I also had playgroup and I had to go as I was running the session. The numbers have dropped and so it was only 8 kids there all up. Before we had about 20 enrolled! ATS, the accommodation people on site, also came by to do a count to make sure everything in the house is still the same as when we first moved in. That afternoon the kids wanted to do some face painting. Whilst packing up I came across a set that Michelle had given us for Xmas. I painted the kid’s faces and then they painted mine. It was actually quite relaxing, but I did look an absolute mess by the end of it. They had fun, so that’s what matters is it not?

On Wednesday, I took a break from packing and had my nails done. Yolandi was still waiting for her flight details to come through and so I begged her to do my nails for me. I have not had them done here, but thought I would spoil myself for our trip home. She did a great job and they look and feel great. I then finalised all the kitchen items and sorted all the kids’ clothes into taking back and giving away. One of Phil’s work colleagues has twin 2 year old girls and so I packed up Laura’s clothes and toys for her as well as all our remaining craft and painting items. She seemed happy enough with our donation. Tom’s clothes will go to Clement.

Thursday was a mad dash to Solwezi, to pick up a part coming from Kitwe so that Phil can complete Clement’s solar unit. The part however, was not put on the bus and so was not there. Of course not! This is after all was our last chance to get this part and get Clement up and running before we go. Now Phil will have to go in on Saturday and see if it has arrived. Fingers crossed. That afternoon, the kids wanted to do some face painting again. Yes, I did have mine done and then we wandered across the road to Yolandi’s house and Tom did all of the kids and then the kids did Michelle’s face as well. They all had a great time and looked absolutely gorgeous by the end of it. Lol….

Yesterday I had quite a few odd jobs to run. I picked up a dress that I had made from a seamstress down in the township (and I couldn’t wait to try it on) then I had to go to LPDC to get permission to take some items off site. I then went to the bank to close our account and then back to the house to pick up Laura and head out. Phil was donating some tools and we were also giving away some large water containers, plastic containers and some remaining items from the pantry to a work fellow who lives up past Manyama. So Laura and I headed up there to deliver the goods. Dennis lives in a lovely little village, it was off the road and so neat and tidy, obviously cared for with love. I met his wife Grace and she gave us a woven bowl to say thank you, again such wonderful people.  Dennis now has a full time job at the mine, Phil helped push for this, and so he and his family should now be able to build the house that they long for.

Then it was back home and pick Tom up from school. It was quite sad saying goodbye to Miss Paula. Tom has had a wonderful introduction to school here with the teacher’s he has had. I have really seen him grow up here into a boy from a toddler. I admit I had some tears as I said good bye to them. I then opened up my house to a few of the girls who came in and shopped from my cupboards. There was no way I was going to leave my fridge and pantry stocked up full of items. Rosemary in particular took quite a lot with her and I handed over the remaining cake making pieces that I had. Her and her son do a lot of cooking and so now they can do more!

It was then afternoon drinks up at Alison’s house. I did not want to go as I knew who would be there, but I also knew it would be the last time that the kids played with their friends like this. Thankfully, my dear friend Brenda was there and another couple of girls who I get along really well with were there, so it was an ok couple of hours. Ella gave Tom a T-shirt she bought for him in Mauritius, which was so lovely and Brenda had arranged for her tailor to make an outfit for Tom, Laura and myself. They are gorgeous. So we all came home and showered and tried on our outfits. Tom’s outfit fits really well. Laura’s is a bit big, but at least she can grow into it. As for my 2 outfits, they fit, but would feel more comfortable when I lose some weight, which is a great incentive as I really want to wear them. 

The guy who bought our car then came over to have some papers signed and some people came to collect some items they had bought. It was then dinner and bed for the kids. Phil was then hassled by HR, as the removalists are charging a ridiculous amount of money for our move and the company wanted to know what on earth we are taking back with us. We think they are doing another relocation whilst here and have mixed up the 2! I only hope our stuff ends up in Australia and not Cananda. There will be no end to the problems until we leave this place. I stayed up to write my blog and so was tired I too had to go to sleep. I have not been sleeping at all well lately. Go figure! So  I just needed to crash.

It is now 5am on the 1st June and I am sitting in the quiet with a blanket wrapped around me getting my final blog from Lumwana finished. I will write some more when I get home, but I wanted to finish this off here. I only hope that the removalist turns up today to pack up our items. Knowing our luck........

What a year or 14 months it has been! I had no idea it was ever going to turn out like this.

Would I do it again? No. It has been a wonderful experience, but we could have come on a holiday and seen just as much. For Phil, yes it probably has been as he has been working and doing different things. But as far as living on site for the kids and I, no it has not been. Mine site living is very restrictive and because you are so close to everybody and some people you would not normally associate with, can be very hard work. The kids have had a great time playing outside, but they do that in Australia anyway. I cannot wait to get them into activities such as sport and dance that I feel will really help them to develop.

Do I regret coming? No, as I have met some truly wonderful people and I am so glad to have had the chance to do that. I have also developed a new skill in cake decorating that I wish to continue in Australia.
Will we come back? To live, I will say no and I think Phil now agrees as well. It is just too hard with young kids. To holiday, you bet we will. We can’t wait in a sense to bring Tom and Laura back in 5 years to show then Zambia. They will have such little memories of their time here and so we hope to bring them back to show them where they lived and what we did.

Am I looking forward to leaving? YES……It seems strange to finally be going, but I am happy to be leaving, especially now with so much uncertainty hanging over this place. We came away thinking we would be gone for 2 – 5 years, but I now see how unrealistic that was, especially for a place like this. If we had gone to Canada or South America, somewhere more developed, yes I do believe we could have stayed away longer, But not in a third world country in the middle of nowhere. I believe kids need more than just playing outside. I want to give them every available opportunity that is just not available here in Lumwana. Laura needs stimulation with children her own age and that will not happen here.

So the rest of the day will be spent packing and finalising everything. Phil will go to Solwezi and collect the part to finish the solar unit allowing Clement and his family to have power. The kids and I will hopefully have the house done by the time Dadda get’s back. Tonight we are having some people over, getting Indian takeaway and having a fire. Brenda and I bought some Shake Shake (a story for my next blog) and we will toast to Lumwana with that. Tomorrow we will catch the bus outta here! Yes I will cry, I can feel my throat catching now, it is a mixture of sadness and relief. Plus I am just so goddam tired, lol. Laura is now up, it is 6:15am and so the day begins.

Thanks to everyone for reading and to all my friends in Forbes, I will see you soon and keep Sunday the 23rd June free for a birthday lunch at the Inn.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Weeks 59 & 60 - Photo's

Best Buddies. Tom and girlfriend Ella.
Best Buddies. Sonja and Laura.
Tom and Laura are going to miss these two dearly as will I.
Ella's Dora cake.
I don't think it turned out too bad.
Our sweet potato crop.
The biggest ever sweet potato. My phone to show you just how big.
The next Zambian soccer players.
The water that came out of our tap. This is what we used for cup showers.
Tom's presents.
From Laura.
From Mumma and Dadda.
Tom with all of his presents.
Tom in his wig.
Tom's school birthday cake
Tom accepting his award from his teacher and Principal Miss Paula.
Tom and his award.
Tom's TMNT cake
I love this cake.
My beautiful boy making his birthday wish.
Tom, me and Laura.

Weeks 59 & 60 - 19.5.13

Week 59

Well the weeks don’t get any quieter that’s for sure. This one started with me heading off to the gym on Monday morning. I did 10 minutes on the cross trainer, 20 minutes in the gym lifting weights and the 30 minutes on the treadmill. I was pretty exhausted by the time I left, but I do need to lose weight. Especially now that I am off my medicine, I can really get stuck in and hope to see results.

In the afternoon we had Ella come over to play. She is Tom’s girlfriend. Ella is an adorable little girl with such a cheeky attitude and smile. She is also a tom boy and so she and Tom get along really well. Ella has informed her dad that Tom is her boyfriend and on asking Tom, he definitely agrees with that. It is so cute. I have been asked to make her 5th birthday cake which is on the 13th of May, same date as Oliver my nephew, who will be 10.

Tuesday was a crazy day. I started off at the gym again. My legs were so sore last night that I had to go again today and do the same routine plus lots of stretching! It was then off to playgroup with Laura and then Janelle came over to play. Whilst the girls played, I was able to get in and make Ella’s cake. It seems the favourite here is my vanilla choc swirl, and the girls had a wonderful time licking the spoons and bowls! After lunch we headed over to Kennis’ house for a farewell coffee with Natalie. She is heading to Australia to have her twin boys and she already has 2 girls. She is sure going to be busy when she returns in 5 months!!!
After picking Tom up from school, we headed to Michelle’s house to take Janelle home. Laura informed me today on our way to playgroup that “Dadda’s snoring made my brain come out”. We were discussing having to share rooms at Auntie Heather’s house and she made this comment due to Phil’s loud snoring. I thought it was so cute.

On Wednesday after the gym, we had a playgroup meeting and I was voted in as Treasurer as no one else wanted to do it. You don’t get too many people volunteering for anything. It seems to be the same old ones doing the work, and Mardi volunteered to be Secretary. The rest of the day was spent getting myself organised to do Ella’s cake and making all the fondant in all the right colours.

Thursday was gym again before play group. If I keep this up, I should lose weight in no time! Hopefully…I then started making the characters for Ella’s cake and once that was finished, got stuck into organising all the money for play group and setting up some spread sheets. Clement also cleaned up our vegetable garden and picked all the potatoes. I was so amazed to see what we had grown in our compost heap, not to mention the size of one potato. Check out the photo as I think I have won the prize for largest sweet potato ever!

I then had to have Ella’s cake ready on Friday. So that took quite a bit of time putting the cake together. She wanted a Dora cake and so I had made the back pack as the cake, then a map, Boots and Dora to go with it. I had made Dora on Thursday, but her head was too small, so I had to da a bigger head. It took longer to put together than I hoped and I was exhausted by the end of the day. I then had to get ready for guests that night for dinner. Again, with little fresh veg it was a bit of a mix of everything. But it was a lovely night of food and talking around the fire.

Phil came home early on Friday, so that we could announce to the kids that we would be heading home! Phil has accepted a job back in NSW at the same mine as before. Not the same job, but one he is happy with. The situation here is not good. Everyone is looking for work and has a ‘Plan B’. Thank goodness Phil was able to get a job before the Company authorised an international job freeze. The mine here is reducing its numbers and so a lot of people will be out of work, luckily we are not one of them. We are all excited to be going home! The kids can’t wait to see Sebastian (our cat) and all their toys that have been in Perth all this time. I am glad to be leaving as this place is going downhill very, very quickly and I can’t wait to get away from this atmosphere. All the women are feeling it and it is getting a bit much. I don’t think there are too many happy people on site.

Late Friday night we had an email informing us that there would be no water on Saturday as the systems were too low and they had to be replenished. Yeah! This is always good news. Thankfully, I had arranged a day trip to Solwezi with Yolandi and Michelle, so we would not have to worry too much. Our husbands and kids on the other hand would be in trouble. Thankfully, we had some washing water saved up for flushing the toilet, lots of drinking water and we filled up the bath for washing ourselves. Bring on Forbes and a constant water supply!

Solwezi was great. We had a wonderful time roaming the markets for bargains. The girls bought some clothes and I looked for material to take home for sewing. They were truly sad to hear we are leaving, but know it is just the start of things to come. Both of their husbands work for contractors and so neither feel safe, knowing that the majority of contractors are being asked to leave. We headed to The Kansanshi Hotel for lunch and did not get home until 430pm. Several hours past our expected time, but hey we had a great time. There was still no water when we returned and it did not come back on until after 7pm. We were then informed that there would be no water on Sunday either. Can you feel the love that I have for this place? I love having to wash the kids and myself by cup in the shower. Makes you feel so clean. NOT! I should not complain, since most people here don't have running water, but my love for this place is running very low at present.

On Sunday I made Toms cake, so I could get that in the freezer. We did not do too much except get our list of items for sale ready, which was not big as our belongings are still in Perth, however we had accumulated some necessary items. I also had informed Brenda of our leaving, so she came up for tea and a chat. She is really sad that we are leaving as we have become close friends. I will miss the girls quite a bit, but we do hope to come back and visit one day.

Week 60

Again no water today! We were not informed this time and so a few were quite angry, including me. Apparently the water was switched on, but was not coming through the pipes to some houses and so an email war broke out. We finally had water by 1130am and so I jumped in and had my first shower in 3 days! It was wonderful to get clean and wash the hair. I was so tired by the end of the day mentally that I went to bed straight after the kids.

Tuesday was a busy day. The catering company on site got back to me with regards to the food for Tom’s party on Friday. They wanted to charge me AUD $5 each for a spring roll, meatball, chicken strip and a chipolata. Can you believe that? $300 AUD for 60 pieces of food!!!!! I said no politely of course and thus started to make my own. I made some chicken sausage rolls and ham and cheese pizza. This went into the freezer for Friday and I organised for the Indian Restaurant to make a platter of vegetable bhajia and spring rolls for 1/3 of the price, that I would collect on Friday morning. I also finished Tom’s cake for school tomorrow.

15th May 2013, Wednesday, my boy turned 5 yrs old. Wow time flies. He is getting so tall, 120.5cm and is such a string bean. I really can’t believe he is 5! Phil left for work late today so that he could be home to wish Tom a happy birthday and watch him open his presents. He was thrilled with his lego and his other presents. At morning tea, Laura and I took up a cake and his class sang happy birthday and then proceeded to gobble down all the cake. It was also Crazy hair day at school and so Tom went off to school in a wig we had bought from a lady in the Township. He looked so different. He had some friends over to play that afternoon and had a wonderful day.
On Thursday, I had to start making his cake figures. He had decided on a TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) cake and so I started making the 4 turtles. The first took 1 hour and the others not so long, but long enough. I finished the cake at 7pm. I was so tired that night as Laura and I also went to play group that morning.

Friday was the day of Tom’s party. There was a school assembly in the morning and Tom was given an award. I am so proud of my little man. Then it was a mad rush to get everything done by 12. I headed up to the ELC and took as much with me as I could, then off up to the Indian Restaurant to collect the platter of food. It was back to the house to get all the food in the oven and then up to the ELC to hang up decorations and set up the tables. Then, it was back to collect all the hot food and then pick up Tom from school. Thankfully, everything went really well. The kids had a great time and Tom loved his cake. That makes it all worthwhile, but thankfully he has only one birthday a year! Laura’s party will have to be delayed, as we only get back into the house on the 9th July, so she may have to wait a week for her party. She has chosen her cake already and I don’t want to disappoint her.

On Saturday, we did a mad dash to Solwezi to show our car to a potential buyer. Thankfully, he decided to buy the car, but he wants it straight away. We have arranged to borrow a car if we need one after ours is gone. So thrilled we have sold the car as not too many people are buying things, due to the high level of job uncertainty here at present.

After Solwezi, we had a birthday party to go to. Isabella turned 2 and so we headed across the road for lunch. It was a lovely afternoon of sitting around eating and talking and I caught up with some people I have not seen in a while. All in all it was a good day.

Today was spent looking after Tom as he vomited all day, the poor love. There has been a tummy bug going around and it seems he picked it up. Thankfully, no one else has it, yet….

I also got stuck in with some packing up. We have had several issues with being relocated back home and other problems. Am I surprised? No. Thus, I want to be on top of things if we get a last minute email to say the packers arrive tomorrow or not at all. If everything that we are taking is all in a box, then actual packing will go a lot smoother.

This time in 3 weeks will we be on a plane out of here! We are heading to Mfue in South Luanga for a week and hope to see lion and other animals we have yet to see. Then we are off to Reunion for a week. This was Phil’s pick as it has live volcanos (and he loves them). It also has some beaches and it should be a wonderful end to our time here in Africa. We will then fly into Sydney and hopefully pick up a car and drive home to Forbes, where we will spend several weeks in a cabin at The Big 4 Caravan Park before our house is ready to move back into. I must admit we are not looking forward to spending time in a cabin in Forbes during winter, but it won’t be forever and we will have our house and belongings at the end of it. I can’t wait to see and use my Thermomix!!!!!!!!! Mind you, I am not looking forward to getting all our Air Freight back as most of it was destined to finish out its days in Zambia. The clothes and shoes will all be too small. The baby toys no longer needed or wanted. The other items, such as medicine all out of date!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Weeks 57 & 58 - Photos

Local Pharmacy. My kitchen counter!
Mutanda Falls, Mutanda.
Very full after the rainy season.
Tom and Laura.
Tom took this photo of Phil and I.
The kids and I at Mutanda Falls.
The Mutanda Falls picnic area.
Butterflies having a drink.

Weeks 57 & 58 - 5.5.13

Week 57

The week started off as most of our weeks here, with a trip to the clinic. Tom came down sick over the weekend and so it was up to see the Doctor. As Tom had a fever, he had to have a malaria check and of course he cried. Thank goodness it was negative. As his chest sounded a bit rough, he was put on antibiotics and I had a check-up whilst there also, and was given my 2nd lot of antibiotics. It hasn’t taken long since returning, for us to become regulars at the clinic again. I told them I would see them again with my daughter later on in the week.

Thus, Tom was off school Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday he wanted to go and by the end of the week he was so tired, the poor thing. But he really wanted to go to school, so I was not going to stop him as he usually does not want to go.

On Wednesday, I had to go to the hardware store to pay for the TV subscription. I decided to walk as I had not done a lot since returning and thought the exercise might be good. As I was still not well, it was not a good move. Laura by this point was also not feeling well and so I had to piggy back her part of the way. By the time we got to the school to pick Tom up, I was struggling to breathe and nearly fainted from lack of oxygen. Thankfully, Phil had bought an inhaler in Solwezi last weekend and so I went home and took a puff. My lungs were finally able to get some air.

So on Thursday, it was back to the clinic for Laura and I. Laura also had to have a malaria check and cried and was put on a course of antibiotics as her throat was inflamed and she was developing a cough also. The doctor let me listen to her chest and her right side sounded raspy, the same as mine. The doctor was very concerned about my chest and gave me my 3rd round of antibiotics. If this did not work, I was going to have to get an x-ray to see what was going on and goodness knows what then.

Later on in the day we found out that another of the big managers was leaving……

It was a very lazy day on Friday, as the kids and I were still not well. I had absolutely no energy. After picking Tom up from school we just lazed around the house. We ended up on the trampoline playing I spy. This was very interesting as Laura does not know what words start with and so guessing her “I Spies” was quite a task, but very funny. It was actually a lovely moment with the kids.

Today we found out another of the big bosses was to leave. That made 3 of the head managers gone in only a couple of months! There will be more people by the end of the month too, as the place is reviewing all roles and positions. I think this is why a lot of the women are unhappy as they don't know what will happen in the following months. The unknown is very hard on everyone. I should know, we just spent the last 2 months going through it!

Saturday was a busy day. I decided I needed to do something today because if I just sat around again there would be no getting me out of bed. So I headed to the kitchen to cook up a storm. I started with a loaf of bread, then moved onto jam drops and ginger biscuits and finished off with carrot muffins and choc-chip muffins. This ensured we had enough for lunches and snacks.

It was also Benjamin and William’s 3rd birthday party. Tom went with Phil, and Laura and I, after going to say hello, came straight home. Laura still had a nasty cough and was not feeling well, so we headed home to bed. The poor thing was still having fevers. At about 5pm, we went back down to pick up the boys. It was an early night for the kids and I.

On Sunday we went for a drive and a picnic to Mutanda Falls. Laura and I had not been, so we thought it might be nice to do something that would be quiet, but got us all out of the house. It was not what I expected. I was thinking it was going to be a high waterfall, but instead in was a lot of small and wide falls. We were the only ones there and it was quite nice to sit and relax watching the falls. This time of year is quite spectacular for butterflies. There must be millions flying around and you often get 20 or more in one spot trying to get water from a mud patch. They are not the most attractive, a plain white with spots of black and yellow, but the numbers make them beautiful.

That afternoon we had Luke and his parents drop in and so did Brenda and the kids. Luke’s father (English) grew up in Kitwe here in Zambia. It was lovely to talk to them and we invited them over for dinner Monday night.

Week 58

I finally felt somewhat normal on Monday. I was still coughing, but I could at least breathe. So I decided to get some fresh air and go for a gentle walk. The weather has really changed. You can tell winter is on its way. The air in the morning and at night is getting cool and the leaves on some trees have changed colour and will no doubt start to drop soon. The dam road has been graded since I last walked, which was a good 2 months ago. So the walk was quite pleasant. Thankfully I had a scarf on as the cars going past kick up quite a lot of dust and I did not need my lungs filling with that! Everything really is so dusty, there is not a scrap of moisture here at all and the leaves are all looking dry and brown. I did not make it to the dam itself, as that would have been too far but at least it was a start.

That night we had Luke’s parents over for dinner. I made potato salad, a tomato salad (as the only fresh veg in the shop was garlic, potato and onion) and I had some tomatoes at home. I also made a chocolate cake and a ganache to go on top. It must have taken over half an hour for the cream to go slightly thick. But at least it tasted ok. Phil cooked a braai and we lit the fire. It was a wonderful evening as it was a delight to talk to someone new. They are lovely people and I enjoyed myself immensely. The conversation around site at the moment is really hard going. Most of the women are unhappy and so it usually consists of everyone complaining about how bad the site is at the moment for us, how awful the shop is and who is leaving this week. So it really was a treat to not talk about any of that.

I decided to go for a walk again Tuesday morning and then it was off to playgroup. Laura I think enjoyed herself. It is hard for her as the kids are so much younger than her, she tends to play alone, but today she did interact a little bit which was good to see. It was also nice to meet some new Mum’s and good to see the old ones that I had not seen in a while. Janelle came over after Kindy and the two girls had a ball playing together. We were outside under the larpa when a squirrel came to visit, so we got some nuts out and fed him. The girls then decided they were going to be squirrels and eat the nuts too. I had to roast more after that as I think the girls ate more than the squirrel!

Wednesday was a public holiday here, Labour Day. We had a phone call from Brenda inviting us out for lunch, so we headed up to the Indian restaurant in Manyama. It was a lovely afternoon, even if we did have to wait more than an hour for food and we were the only ones in the restaurant. The food was delicious and it was great to taste some delicious flavours. The kids enjoyed spring rolls, vegetable bhaji  and butter chicken. I had a lovely lamb korma. It was quite expensive which is a shame, because if it was cheaper we would go more often, but $80 for a lunch in Manyama is a bit much for 2 adults and 2 kids! On our way out we passed a new shop which had a sign saying they were selling “Bedshit’s”, Phil and I found this quite amusing. I will try and take a photo when I go through next.

When we got home it was about 4pm and I went and borrowed Yolandi’s bike trailer which converts to a pusher. Phil and I then took the kids and did a walk down the dam road. It was a lovely time of day and very peaceful. Even the kids were quite, for most of it.

On Thursday, Brenda and I went into Solwezi. I am very wary about driving on the roads now, after Donnya had her accident and the young girl was killed in Solwezi. We left the kids home and I went in for some shopping, whilst Brenda picked up her sons passport and her driving licence. Unfortunately her licence was still not there, but at least she had Henry’s passport. It was very busy as it was the beginning of the month and there were people everywhere. I had not been to Solwezi in about 5 months for shopping so it took a few minutes to get the feel of it again and my confidence up. You really have to be on the ball driving as people walk out in front of you all the time and the markets are so close to the side of the road. I have taken a video and will see if I can try and post it on the net. When you go to Solwezi, it always takes about 2 hours longer than you think, as you never know how long the queues are going to be and how bad the traffic will be, so poor Carol was running late for her next job, but at least we all understand how it is.

I had a really good day on Friday and a busy one at that. I went for a quick walk and then rushed home for music group. Kennis is holding it at her house. She bought a CD when she was in New Zealand last and borrows the school's musical instruments (her husband is a teacher) for the session. There were only 4 mums and 5 kids, but we had fun. Laura really enjoyed herself and so we will keep going as it is something different for her to do. We then had a lovely morning tea before heading off. I met a new lady who arrived here after we had left for our holiday home and she is lovely. She is from Lusaka, Zambian born and has 2 young children. Unfortunately, too young for Tom and Laura, but I am sure we will still see her around.

That afternoon was drinks at Colleen’s house. I decided to brave it for the kid’s sake, I have been keeping a very low profile after all the issues of last year. Tom is really keeping to himself as far as the other boys go. He just does not want to join in group play with them. So he headed off with all the girls to play and had a ball. Unfortunately, I burnt his pizza again this week. I am not having much luck with his pizza lately. Ours was delicious though. Lol.

Saturday was a really quiet day. The kids played together all day and had no fights! It was amazing. It was actually really nice to have them play together so that we could do our own thing. Phil relaxed in front of the TV and I was able to read, do the washing and cook bread in peace. We did try to fly Tom’s kite again, but the wind here is not constant. The wind flares up and then drops off very quickly and so if you do not get the kite up high enough before the winds drop off again, you can’t get it into the air at all. Very disappointing, but we will keep trying. Phil cooked a braai for dinner and we lit the fire. It was really lovely. After the kids went to bed, I headed back out to the fire with my book and enjoyed listening to the church music, whilst reading and watching the fire. I love these moments here. I only wish there were more.

Today was another nice and relaxing day. Brenda’s husband Pete was playing soccer so we headed over to watch the game. Brenda was at home waiting for the snake man. They found a Puff Adder under their carport by some wood. A good thing they found it before young Henry did as they are very poisonous. Sonia came back here to play while Pete finished up and then they all came over here for drinks. One of Brenda’s friends from Kitwe is here and she is so lovely. She is a reporter for the Zambian Government and we all had a wonderful chat. Bwalya is here for the week, so I look forward to talking to her again. It is wonderful having someone new to talk to and different things to talk about.

Tom’s birthday is in 10 days and thankfully his present turned up on Saturday. I was getting worried that it might not be here on time. I cannot believe he is going to be five! He is now the tallest in his class and is a real string bean. We are having a party for him after school on the Friday and so I had better get myself organised and make the cake etc.

Have a good time until I talk to you again.

Weeks 55 & 56 - photos

African Gray Parrot enjoying breakfast.
A new shop opposite Pick'n'Pay. Sign says "Open Now".
A Tortoise at Sherbourne Lodge Kitwe. Trying to feel the claws.
Beautiful flower at the Lodge.
Fountain and fish at Lodge.
The result of termites getting into house. 
Chocolate sprinkles on the floor being devoured by Janelle, Sonja, Tom and Laura.
Spilt by Janni who climbed up onto the cupboard.